26 March 2013

Of Bits & Pieces

Something from drafts, written months ago. Great to see now how life has taken the good turn :)

"Ever felt that feeling of saturation when it feels as if you are the happiest person on earth, as if there is nothing more left to accomplish, as if you have it all even without asking for it? And all this without one particular reason to go with! Keep wondering the reason and the next moment you would be stuck up with the feeling that this is nothing but a trap, a trap of uncertainties, of illusions.

What is all this? A time when you are asked how's life and you say 'nothing much.' While actually you have so many things going on that instead of explaining the haphazard around you choose to present as if nothing's  happening, as if nothing is important enough.
A time when you fool yourself to be busy with priorities in life while actually the precious ones are ignored.
A time which you spend ignoring the best in you only because it is not in demand... while embracing those things which are well followed by the herd.

A time when you smile all through, you have people to be with, you have festivals to celebrate and you do it all.... but only to discover one night how you have no one to speak to about the thrills of the day... no one to cry in front of, cry for no good reason or cry for that one reason you are writing this for..."

A recent picture which goes by the feel of this piece :P